Elysian Fruit - Roaring River
Pooya Aryanpour
February 10, 2024 - March 10, 2024
My creative practice draws inspiration from the rich intellectual foundations of Persian handicraft techniques, and cultural symbolism while referencing and exploring western traditions of abstract art.
In my creative practice, I delve into properties of abstraction such that the blending of colour, line, form, and content constructs a novel suspenseful whole. For me, notional shapes and vivid colours can effortlessly be moulded into infinite forms such as living beings, architectural reliefs, plants, and even perhaps musical notes. I aim at seizing those transient instances in an attempt to solidify the fleetingly perceptible natural forms in the world before they evaporate into the ethereal.
By challenging the philosophical and artistic ideals of finitude and perfection, I make an attempt at deconstructing reality to highlight the inherent gaps in human perception. I believe nothing is ever complete as reality undergoes constant flux and evolution. In that vein, I seek to establish meaningful parallels between the natural, and the conceptual by dismantling the tangible into its fundamental elements whilst simultaneously also reconstructing the same with meticulous care.
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